Mechanical characterization of reduced graphene oxide using afm. The process started with the chemical oxidation of commercial graphite powder into graphite oxide by modified hummers method, followed by the exfoliation of graphite oxide in distilled water using the ultrasound frequency from a laboratory ultrasonic bath. Hydrazinereduction of graphite and graphene oxide sungjin park a,b, jinho an a, jeffrey r. This research studied the synthesis of graphene oxide and graphene via a lowcost manufacturing method. Compared with hummers method, electrochemical exfoliation of graphite is considered facile and. We prepared graphite oxide by modified hummers method and used pet film as a flexible substrate on which graphite oxide go was coated. Patterning and electronic tuning of laser scribed graphene. What is the difference between graphite oxide and graphene oxide. No seriously all you need is a lightscribe compatible dvd burner and some graphite oxide.
We used a standard lightscribe dvd optical drive to do the direct laser reduction of graphite oxide films to graphene. Graphene oxide 1520 sheets, 410% edgeoxidized, 1 mgml, dispersion in h2o. A commercially available laser source lightscribe dvd drive controlled by a computer software can be used to reduce graphene oxide go, and its repetitive scribing to a go film brings about gradual increase and decrease in electrical conductivity and neurite guiding ability of the scribed regions, respectively. Since the addition of the oxygen groups result in the breakage of the double. Lightscribe drives to reduce graphene oxide films deposited on specialized. Laserscribed graphene electrodes for supercapacitors. Indeed, it has a youngs moduluscomparable to steel, on the order of 300gpa. Graphene oxide go is the oxidized analogy of graphene, recognized as the only intermediate or precursor for obtaining the latter in large scale, since the english chemist, sir brodie first reported about the oxidation of graphite centuries ago. Graphene oxide is the oxidized form of graphene produced by oxidizing crystal graphite with a mixture of sulfuric acid, sodium nitrate, and potassium permanganate the hummers method. Apr 06, 2014 it is also worth mentioning that various oxidation methods yield graphene oxide with different properties, hinting that there is no one graphene oxide. Research across multiple disciplines has put it alone at the topmost concern due.
In recent years, graphene oxide has attracted great concern mainly because it is a potential starting material for the mass production of graphene. Laser scribing of highperformance and flexible graphene. There, the lightscribe technology, using an infrared laser, turned the graphite oxide into graphene. In the literature there are various methods reported on synthesis of graphene sheets and their derivatives, which include mechanical cleavage of graphite, unzipping carbon nanotubes43, chemical exfoliation of graphite, solvothermal. Silicon nanoparticlesgraphene paper composites for li ion. Application note graphene and graphene oxide material that can be exfoliated to form stable colloidal suspensions in water. Pdf in the present work, graphene powder was synthesized by laser scribing method. Pdf feasibility of nano graphene oxide powder with.
Despiteits very highstiffness, weshow here thatgo is superflexible. Reduced graphene oxide powders can be purchased from ossila either as a chemicallyreduced powder or thermallyreduced powder. Jan 28, 2014 graphene oxide is being used in energy, optical, electronic and sensor devices due to its unique properties. This will allow for modification, and update of information, as. Engineered nano materials exist in three principal shapes, namely 0d nanoparticle, 1d nano fiber and 2d nano sheet.
Graphene oxide is a singlelayer sheet of graphite oxide, which was proposed one and a half century ago. Graphene has also been grown by the thermal chemical vapor deposition tcvd method, which consists of decomposition of hot hydrocarbon sources on catalytic surfaces or surface. Mar 11, 20 this is so the adhesive doesnt screw with the lightscribe reading the disc. Graphene oxide is being used in energy, optical, electronic and sensor devices due to its unique properties. Photosynergetic electrochemical synthesis of graphene oxide. Areas of the coating illuminated by the lightscribe laser were turned into graphene. Fundamentals and applications is a valuable reference for academic researchers, and industry scientists interested in graphene oxide, graphene and other carbon materials.
Microscale supercapacitors have great potential to com. Flexible micro supercapacitor based on laser scribed graphene. Graphene oxide go has been initially prepared by a modified hummersmethod. Reduced graphene oxide is a form of graphene oxide that has had oxygencontaining groups removed in order to make the flakes more similar in terms of properties to pure graphene. The laser heats the oxide, transforming it into graphene in precisely defined tracks, one micrometer apart. Subsequently reduced graphene oxide rgo having few layer graphene is extracted from go by the thermal reduction of go. However, unlike its counterpart graphene the thermal transport properties of. First, graphene oxide go was coated on a flexible substrate, dried, and.
A commercially available laser source lightscribe dvd drive controlled by a. About thirty years ago, the term graphene was officially claimed to define the single atomthin carbon layer of graphite, which. Pdf fabrication of graphene supercapacitors for flexible energy. The graphite oxide film was then burned with infrared laser irradiation using a commercially available lightscribe drive to produce graphene. How a microscopic supercapacitor will supercharge mobile. A typical spectrum of untreated graphene oxide sample and a er it has undergone one to ve oxygen reductions cycles via lightscribe is shown in figure. The tech is nothing new, but did you know you can make your own graphene using your dvd burner. Graphite oxide go was synthesized from flake graphite asbury carbons, 230u.
Nanoindentation coupled with atomic force microscopy was used to study stiffness, hardness, and the reduced youngs modulus of reduced graphene oxide. Pdf mechanical characterization of reduced graphene oxide. The price for the graphite oxide per cd would be somewhere around 0. Oct 03, 2015 the tech is nothing new, but did you know you can make your own graphene using your dvd burner.
So to make a piece of graphene the size of a cd we need 37 mg graphite oxide. By using this website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. Synthesis of graphene oxide go by modified hummers. Although graphite oxide is a multilayer system, monolayer flakes and fewlayer flakes can be found in a graphene oxide dispersion. Pdf scalable fabrication of highpower graphene micro. At an appropriate concentration, evaporation of droplets of such a colloidal suspension on a surface.
Go plays important roles in the sustainable development of energy and the environment, taking advantages of oxygencontaining functional groups for good dispersibility and assembly. Ruoff a, a department of mechanical engineering and the texas materials institute, the university of texas at austin, one university station c2200, austin, tx 787120292, usa b department of chemistry, inha university, incheon 402751, republic. Graphene oxide go can be regarded as one typical twodimension structured oxygenated planar molecular material. Here we propose a strategy of radical oxidation reaction for the highefficiency production of graphene oxide go. The rise of graphene graphene is a rapidly rising star on. Lightscribeetched graphene dvds making supercapacitors. We fabricated the graphenegraphite oxide supercapacitor using laser lightscribe technique. Mechanical characterization of reduced graphene oxide. Particular emphasis is directed toward the synthesis of graphene oxide, as well as its structure. It can be wrapped up into 0d buckyballs, rolled into 1d nanotubes or stacked into 3d graphite.
I was wondering if there was a way to take apart the dvd burner so that you could make flat squarerectangle sheets of graphene with. Graphene oxide is a monolayer material with a high oxygen content, typically characterized by co atomic ratios less than 3. The disc is inserted into a lightscribe dvd drive and a computerdesigned circuit is etched onto. Pdf patterning and electronic tuning of laser scribed graphene for. Potts a, aruna velamakanni a, shanthi murali a, rodney s. In addition, transition metal oxides such as ruthenium oxide and. Mar 16, 2012 although electrochemical capacitors ecs, also known as supercapacitors or ultracapacitors, charge and discharge faster than batteries, they are still limited by low energy densities and slow rate capabilities. Oxygen reduction on the graphene oxide sample was performed via lightscribe dvd burner reduction, a costeffective approach with potential for large scale graphene production.
Graphene oxide go, the main precursor of graphene based materials made by solution processing, is known to be very stiff. Wafer scale graphene transfer kim et al nature 2010 mechanical peeling off in water support graphene nior cusio 2 ni or cu sio 2 rapid etching with fecl 3 aq graphene on polymer support graphene on arbitrary substrate transfer patterning patterned graphene on ni patterned graphene on arbtirary substrate postpatterning prepatterning. I was wondering if there was a way to take apart the dvd burner so that you could make flat squarerectangle sheets of graphene with the laser of the dvd burner as opposed to round. Graphene for use in energy photovoltaics given its transparency, conductivity, mechanical strength, high surface area, and tunable band gap, graphene can fill several different roles in photovoltaic devices including as a transparent electrode and as a electron transport layer. Sigmaaldrich offers a number of graphene oxide products. Additionally, the influences of the dropcast amount of graphene oxide go and the numbers of lightscribe times on the performance of the supercapacitor were systematically investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and galvanostatic chargedischarge. What is the difference between graphite oxide and graphene. The effect of the laser scribing process in reducing graphene oxide go was. Graphene oxide nanocolloids journal of the american. Here we report the preparation and characterization of graphene oxide paper, a freestanding carbonbased membrane material made by flowdirected assembly of individual graphene oxide. Graphene is a 2d building material for carbon materials of all other dimensionalities. Due to its unique properties, graphene oxide has become one of the most studied materials of the last decade and a great variety of applications have been reported in areas such as sensors, catalysis and biomedical applications. Graphene oxide go chemically modified graphene prepared by oxidation and exfoliation that is accompanied by extensive oxidative modification of the basal plane.
Pdf mechanical characterization of reduced graphene. Graphene oxide 1520 sheets, 410% edgeoxidized, 1 mgml. Graphene oxide as a substrate for a variety of chemical transformations, including its reduction to graphene like materials, is also discussed. Ncs with molecular recognition ability for bioimaging currently remains a challenge. We prepared graphite oxide by modified hummers method and.
Neurite guidance on laserscribed reduced graphene oxide. The application of 0d nanoparticle and 1d nano fiber, such as nano silica and carbon nanotubes cnts. The book concludes with a chapter on the challenges of industrialscale graphene oxide production. Nov 24, 2010 graphene oxide go nanocolloidssheets with lateral dimension smaller than 100 nmwere synthesized by chemical exfoliation of graphite nanofibers, in which the graphene planes are coinstacked along the length of the nanofibers. Youll probably want to scroll down if youve already heard about making graphene with a lightscribe dvd drive but need some graphite oxide as a starting point. Lightscribe is a directtodisc labelling technology that burns text and. Thermal transport in graphene oxide from ballistic extreme. Due to the presence of oxygen functionalities, graphene oxide can easily disperse in organic solvents, water, and different matrixes. This is so the adhesive doesnt screw with the lightscribe reading the disc. Diy graphene supercapacitors lightscribe method wiki fandom. By coating a dvd disc with a film of graphite oxide that is then laser treated inside a lightscribe dvd drive to produce graphene electrodes, researchers were able to demonstrate highperformance graphene based electrochemical capacitors that can be charged and discharged a hundred to a thousand tim. Here we bypass the original dye matrix results and discussion by depositing a thin layer of graphite oxide on top of a here we show that lightscribe.
Intercalated graphene oxide for flexible and practically. The produced films are mechanically robust, show high electrical. If you are interested in making your own graphene, please scroll down to how to make graphene at home or visit a separate page with diy graphene instructions only. Fabrication of laserscribed graphene microsupercapacitors. Recent advances in effective reduction of graphene oxide for. The disc was prepared by coating the disc with an aqueous solution of graphite oxide and allowing it to dry. Welcome to the diy graphene supercapacitors lightscribe method wiki edit my project was to make a graphene supercapacitor wiki with a sop and video documentation, so others can follow my method. Exposing a film of graphite oxide to the laser of a lightscribe dvd has also revealed to produce quality graphene at a low cost. This comprehensive volume systematically describes the fundamental aspects and applications of graphene oxide. Thermal transport in graphene oxide from ballistic. Kaner1,3 the rapid development of miniaturized electronic devices has increased the demand for compact onchip energy storage. Effects of amount of graphene oxide and the times of. Making graphenebased supercapacitors with dvd discs. Preparation and characterization of graphene oxide paper.
The resultant reduced graphene oxide called lsg lightscribe graphene is highly defective so that it possesses excellent performance as a. Air pollution has a considerable impact on human beings among environmental problems. The reduction of oxygen in the graphene oxide sample was estimated. Synthesis of graphene oxide go by modified hummers method.
Graphite oxide, formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid, is a compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen in variable ratios, obtained by treating graphite with strong oxidizers. We fabricated the graphene graphite oxide supercapacitor using laser lightscribe technique. Since the upper size limit is predetermined by the diameter of the nanofiber precursor, the size distribution of the go nanosheets is much more uniform than that. Scalable fabrication of highpower graphene microsupercapacitors for. Materials for flexible, stretchable electronics 16. Mar 19, 2012 to make a long story short, they coated a thin plastic film pet with graphite oxide, designed a model on a computer, stuck the plastic sheet on a dvd and put it into the recorder. The maximally oxidized bulk product is a yellow solid with c. Silicon nanoparticles graphene paper composites for li ion battery anodes jeongkyu lee, kurt b. Preparation and characterization of reduced graphene oxide. Discover the gographene range of high quality, affordable graphene oxide powders and dispersions available to order online today. Due to the presence of oxygen functionalities, graphene oxide can easily disperse in. Scalable fabrication of highpower graphene microsupercapacitors. Various shapes can be drawn, which allowed the scientist duo essentially to laserprint an ultracapacitor on graphene using consumergrade technology.
Structure and synthesis of graphene oxide sciencedirect. A complementary viewpoint is that the extracted 2d crystals become intrinsically stable by gentle crumpling. In this work, we present a filter that removes pm2. The ptcsc was fabricated using a facile and scalable laser irradiation on graphene oxide films intercalated by sulfate ions sgo to control the mobility and concentration of dissociated protons without any liquidphase electrolytes typically used in conventional supercapacitors. Lightscribe is a directtodisc labelling technology that burns text and graphics onto the surface of a cd or dvd using a laser inside. Effects of amount of graphene oxide and the times of lightscribe on. The book is designed as an introduction to the topic, so. Natural flake graphite nfg was procured from loba chemie india having a mean size of 60 mesh and purity of 98%. The reduction of graphene oxide songfeng pei, huiming cheng shenyang national laboratory for materials science, institute of metal research, chinese academy of sciences, 72 wenhua road. In the simplest sense, graphene oxide refers to singleatom layers of carbon otherwise known as graphene with functional groups containing oxygen attached to both the sides and area of the flake. To make a long story short, they coated a thin plastic film pet with graphite oxide, designed a model on a computer, stuck the plastic sheet on a dvd and put it into the recorder. Structurally, graphene oxide can be visualized as a graphene sheet with its basal plane decorated by oxygencontaining.
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